Information will be updated regularly, and changes may be made as needed.
- What back-to-school options are there for RHCA families?
- Learn from home
- Learn at school
- When is the first day of school?
- Monday, September 14, 2020 – Grades 5 and up
- Wednesday, September 16, 2020 – Grades 1 and Grades 4 joins the rest of the school
- Friday, September 18, 2020 – JK and SK joins the rest of the school
- Will there be an orientation day like in previous years?
- We are planning for a virtual orientation day on Friday, September 11, 2020.? Stay tuned for more details to come.
- If we decide to return to at-school learning, when can that happen?
- We are requiring parents to commit to the learn-from-home option until after Christmas Break when school resumes in January 2021.
- How will lessons be delivered?
- We are planning to have lessons streamed live from the classroom
- Will attendance be taken for those who learn from home?
- Yes
- What about academic materials like textbooks and workbooks?
- We are planning an academic-material-pick-up day before the beginning of school.? Stay tuned for more details to come.
- What equipment will be needed to learn at home?
- Any computer device that has an internet connection and Google Chrome as its web browser
- Any mobile device that has an internet connection that can use Google Chrome as its web browser or can download the following apps:
- Gmail
- Google Meet
- What about progress reports and parent-teacher interviews in November?
- We will provide more information when the time comes.
- General Questions:
- How many days of at-school learning will occur?
- The government has mandated the return to 5-days a week of at school cohort learning.
- What is cohort learning?
- Cohort learning means that students and teachers are both limited to face-to-face interaction with their particular class.
- Home-room teachers and their own class of students will be together throughout the whole school day (this includes recesses and lunch breaks.)
- French and music teachers will not enter the classroom but will instead teach remotely
- Interaction with other classes and teachers will be severely limited to protect the health and safety of the school
- What about class sizes?
- The government has lifted their initial 15 student limit
- The majority of RHCA classes will be less than 20 individuals (including teachers and where applicable, teacher?s assistants)
- With families opting to learn from home, the numbers will be lower
- What if we decide to switch to at-home learning after school has started?
- You may switch to at-home learning but you must commit to that decision until after Christmas Break when school resumes in January 2021.
- What about school uniforms?
- Students will need to wear their non-chapel day uniforms
- What about scheduled medical/dental appointments?
- We encourage parents to schedule appointments outside of school hours; however, if that is not possible, we request that students not return to school for the day after their scheduled appointment.
- How many days of at-school learning will occur?
- Before and After School Club (BASC):
- Will there be Before and After School Club (BASC) like in previous years?
- At this time, we are uncertain whether we will be able to provide BASC while adhering to health and safety guidelines and cohorting.? We are examining our options and hope in the coming weeks to provide some kind of solutions to families that require this service.? It would be wise to plan for other options in the event that we are unable to provide BASC.
- Will there be Before and After School Club (BASC) like in previous years?
- Daily Health Screening:
- What kind of health screening will take place and where will it happen?
- Daily at-home health screening will be mandatory?
- We are planning to take temperature of students and staff when they enter the school
- What about students who get sick at school?
- As before, if your child gets sick at school (have a fever and/or vomited), you will need to make arrangements to have them pick up immediately and take the appropriate steps like seeing a doctor or if necessary, COVID-19 testing.? We have set aside an isolation room for them to stay in until they are picked-up.?
- How will the school inform RHCA families of a positive COVID-19 test?
- Please note, if a student (or their family member) does have a positive COVID-19 result, we will need to inform our school family. Please note that we will still take privacy into account.
- York Regional Public Health will be notified and have established directives that the school will adhere to.
- Because of our cohort protocol, we will be permitted to alert anyone who may have come into contact with that person with provision of privacy in place
- Please note, if a student (or their family member) does have a positive COVID-19 result, we will need to inform our school family. Please note that we will still take privacy into account.
- What about family members who have travelled out of the country and return to reside with a student?
- Out of caution, that student will need to stay at home for the next 14 days and take advantage of the learn-at-home option.
- What kind of health screening will take place and where will it happen?
- Masks:
- Will masks be mandatory?
- Masks will be mandatory for all students, teachers, and staff.
- Will alternatives be provided for those who have medical conditions that do not permit the individual to wear masks?
- A doctor?s note will be needed to provide an exemption
- For those who cannot wear masks, a face shield will be mandatory
- Will there be opportunities for students to have short breaks from wearing masks?
- Homeroom teachers will set aside appropriate times throughout the school day for short mask breaks when it is safe to do so.
- Kindergarten students will not need to wear masks when napping
- What about recess time?
- Out of caution, we are requiring everyone to wear masks at recess time.
- Will masks be mandatory?
- Revised drop-off and pick-up procedures:
- We are finalizing our plans and will be sharing it soon.? Please stay tuned.
- Parent/Guardian Entry to School:
- Will parents/guardians be permitted to enter the school building?
- In accordance with government guidelines and to ensure the safety of those who are at school, parents/guardians will not be permitted to enter the school building.
- As a result, please note the following:
- No lunch drop-off
- No drop off of forgotten school materials
- Will parents/guardians be permitted to enter the school building?
- Lunches and Water:
- What about lunches?
- Lunches will need to be packed with your child in the morning or for Tuesdays to Fridays, Kid?s Kitchen?s hot lunch program is available
- Out of caution, parents will not be permitted to take their child out for lunch?
- What if my child is sent to school without lunch?
- The school will provide an emergency lunch; charges will apply.
- What about water?
- Students will need to bring their own water bottles.
- Due to health and safety guidelines, students will not be permitted to drink from the water fountains directly.
- Teachers will schedule opportunities to refill water bottles.
- What about lunches?
- Social Distancing:
- How will social distancing be practiced?
- Classrooms will be set up with proper distances between students and teachers.
- Social distancing between different cohort groups will be strictly enforced.
- Clear markings throughout the school will reinforce social distancing.
- What about common classroom items like toys (in the lower grades) and library items?
- For classroom items like toys for the lower grades, only easy to clean and sanitized items will be permitted.
- Classroom library items will not be available for student use; students may bring their own for individual use only.
- Sharing of other materials between students will be discouraged.
- How will social distancing be practiced?