Virtual Open House

On behalf of our school board, teachers and staff, and our student body and their families, welcome to Richmond Hill Christian Academy’s (RHCA) virtual open house.

These are challenging times we are living through but finding out about RHCA should not be. Please take a moment to find out about RHCA and whether it is the right place for your child(ren) for the coming school year.



  1. It was established on January 15, 1996, by Brian and Madeline Hayes with one student.
  2. We partnered with local churches and moved from church facilities to other church facilities as the school grew.
  3. We thank the Lord for the following churches and their support in Christian education: Richmond Hill Free Methodist Church; Richmond Hill (Chinese) Baptist Church; Richmond Hill Christian Community Church; and King Bible Church.
  4. Permanent location since May of 2010: 9711 Bayview Avenue, Richmond Hill, ON L4C 9X7
  1. Pre-amble: World Views in publicly funded schools is Ontario
    1. Evolutionary worldview – there is no God
    2. Humanistic philosophy – humans become the decider of truth
    3. Progressive education – the underlying philosophy of publicly funded schools and many other private schools, is rooted in the principles of humanistic philosophy
  2. Christian education in Ontario is separated into 2 kinds:
    1. Christian schools that use secular/government curriculum with Christian enhancement and modification
    2. Christian schools that use Christian curriculum (RHCA is an example of this)
  3. RHCA is Christian first and school second – the Bible, the Word of God, is foundational to the existence of RHCA.
    1. People of other faith are welcomed with the understanding and declaration by parents/guardians that they are aware of and will co-operate with school philosophy and policies
  4. Abeka curriculum in all grades
    1. Exception in Canadian history, music, French, gym and computer
    2. Used by more than a million students in Christian schools around the world
    3. Largest publisher of Christian curriculum in the world
  5. Curriculum is Biblically based in its philosophy, materials and contents, and methodology
    1. Tried and true and successful Christian curriculum since 1972 with real-world results
    2. Designed to educate and train the whole person
    3. It is considered by many to be academically advanced but is designed for the average student who is willing to work hard supported by dedicated teachers and appreciative parents/guardians
  6. Our teachers
    1. All of our teachers are born-again followers of Christ. Many are actively involved with their local churches.
    2. All of our teachers have university degrees or its equivalency. New teachers or teachers changing grades are sent during the summer to Pensacola for training in the A Beka curriculum. We also conduct in-house training every year prior to the opening of school.
    3. All of our teachers follow a very detailed curriculum guide laid out for their particular grade level in every subject from day to day. In this way, they are not dependent upon themselves to write the curriculum, devise the daily lessons, compose the tests, or inquire as to what may have been covered the previous year. The wisdom and experience of master teachers who have developed this wonderful Christian curriculum since 1972 is ours to follow.
    4. As the philosophy and methodology of the A Beka curriculum are different from and often in opposition to those of the public schools, we do not require that our teachers be “certified” by the teacher union. Nor does the Ministry of Education, which has inspected us, require this.
    5. Our teachers are very dedicated and hard-working, and regard their work as a ministry, not just a job. Be assured they will be regularly praying for your child, as well as looking after his/her best interests holistically.
  7. Canadian Achievement Test version 4 (CAT-4) results
    1. Every RHCA student from Grades 1 to High School participates
    2. We have been doing it since 2002
    3. The average RHCA student is 2 grades above the Canadian national norm
  8. The average child taught in an excellent learning environment backed by a solid Christian curriculum and dedicated teachers will produce, what many today will consider, outstanding results.
  9. God’s work (Christian education) done God’s way (Christian curriculum and teachers) will never lack God’s supply (blessings and CAT-4 results).
  1. Interested families, please download the application package from here.
  2. Complete the latest application package and submit it electronically
  3. After reviewing the application package, the Academy will contact the interested family for any missing items
  4. Family interview will be scheduled
  5. Academic and classroom assessment
  6. Acceptance letter (electronic format)
  1. What kind of students do best in our program?
    1. Hardworking students and supportive parents who are committed to the Academy’s policies and philosophy will do well at RHCA.
  2. What are the school hours?
    1. It is from 7:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
  3. What extra-curricular activities are available for students?
    1. We offered many after school clubs like Mandarin club at various levels, arts and craft clubs, music clubs, chess clubs, and various sports clubs that permit competitive engagement with other Christian schools in the Greater Toronto Area (GTA).
  4. Further questions, please fill free to include them in your information request form and we will get back to you accordingly.
Please consider what your answers would be if you sent your child to a non-Christian school, and what the effects would be on his future.

Yes / No

  1. Will my child’s education prepare him for life? (Or just to make a living?)
  2. Will I be confident when I go back home, or to work in the morning, that my child is with people I can trust?
  3. Will he know and experience God’s love for him?
  4. Will his childhood innocence be preserved for as long as possible?
  5. Will he be spending 30+hours a week in a wholesome, orderly, well-disciplined environment?
  6. Will he benefit from an excellent curriculum and dedicated teachers?
  7. Will he be reassured at school that God’s word is true and unchanging, a sure foundation for his life?
  8. Will he learn to show respect to parents and teachers and all others in authority?
  9. Will he grow up with others who love and obey the Lord?
  10. Will his teachers pray for him and with him?
  11. Will his friends and their families have Christian values?
  12. Will he be able to tell right from wrong?
  13. Will he have the desire and power to do what is right?
  14. Will he give Jesus first place in his life?
  15. Will he be encouraged at school to obey you now, and to honour you always?
  16. Will he naturally turn to God for wisdom and for help in time of need?
  17. Will he be helped to develop a servant heart and to have compassion for the needy?
  18. Will he be able to withstand temptation and the pressure to compromise?
  19. Will he have joy and peace with God, and the abundant life that Jesus promised?
  20. Will he learn how to work hard, and to have good work habits?
  21. Will he learn how to get along with others, and how to have wholesome fun?
  22. Will he be trained at school to be a Christian leader?
  23. Will he be helped to develop his talents and abilities to honour God?
  24. Will his life be lived in such a way as to have God’s blessing upon it?
“Choose you this day whom ye will serve… but as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.”  Joshua 24:15


  1. JK

    JK skills
    JK-7 JK-6 JK-4 JK-5 JK-9 JK-8 JK-health JK-Story JK-language JK-art JK-Bible JK-Reading JK skills
  2. SK

    SK-3 IMG_1663 IMG_1664 SK-8 SK-6 SK-7 SK-2 SK-5 SK-4 SK-1 SK-9
  3. Grade 1

    1A-1 IMG_1667 IMG_1666 1A-2 IMG_1670 1B-1 IMG_1671
  4. Grade 2

    2A-2 2A-4 2A-6 2A-5 IMG_1674 IMG_1675 IMG_1661 2B-1 IMG_1662
  5. Grade 3

    3B Picture
    3A-3 IMG_1665 3A-2 IMG_1672 3B Picture 3B-1
  6. Grade 4

    4A-3 4A-2 4A-1 4B-2 4B-3jpg 4B-1
  7. Grade 5

    5A-1 5A-2 IMG_1659 5B-4 5B-3 IMG_1660
  8. Grade 6

    6B Classroom
    6B classroom 2
    6A-1 6A-4 6A-3 6B Classroom 6B classroom 2
  9. Grade 7

    IMG_1653 7A-1 7B-1 7B-2 7B-3
  10. Grade 8

    IMG_1654 8A-1 IMG_1655 IMG_1651 IMG_1650

Thank you for visiting our virtual open house. If we you have any questions, please do not hesitate to email us at


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