Statement of Faith

The following articles of faith have their source in the Word of God, and serve as the foundational truths upon which Richmond Hill Christian Academy is being built.

1. We believe that the Bible is the very Word of God; that it is inspired by the Holy Spirit; that it is complete and wholly true; that it is without error; that it is our final authority in all matters of faith and practice.

2. We believe in God the Father, in God the Son, and in God the Holy Spirit.

3. We believe that God is absolutely perfect and holy, and that He cannot abide sin in His presence.

4. We believe that God created man to have fellowship with Him, but because of man’s disobedience, he became alienated from God and subject to death. As man is sinful by nature and by choice, he cannot, by any means of his own, enter into God’s presence in Heaven.

5. We believe that God the Father, in His immense love for us as fallen humanity, sent the Lord Jesus Christ into the world to save us from the power and penalty of our sin, to reconcile us to Himself, and to be our Way to Heaven.

6. We believe that Jesus Christ is the only Son of God, full of grace and truth, and that He came as the visible expression of God’s great love for fallen humanity; that by his virgin birth and sinless life, He was able to be for us the perfect Sacrifice that God’s justice and holiness demand. We believe in His teachings, His miracles, and His example; in His death on the cross, and in His rising to life again on the third day. We believe in His ascension to the right hand of the Father; in His intercession for those who have put their trust in Him as their Saviour and Lord; and in His glorious return to the earth as King of Kings and Lord of Lords, to judge all mankind, and to take the redeemed to the place which He has prepared for them in Heaven.

7. We believe that the Holy Spirit indwells every true believer, empowering him to live a life pleasing to God; that He sheds light on the Word of God and applies it to every searching heart; that He strengthens the believer against temptation; and that He teaches, convicts, comforts, and encourages the Christian in his daily walk.

8. We believe that God loves all people regardless of their colour, creed, or ethnic origin, and that He desires to save all of us through the substitutionary death of the Lord Jesus Christ, through the shedding of His blood for our redemption.

9. We believe that God forgives us and accepts us into His family if we are willing to turn away from sin and self, and to trust Jesus to be our Sin-bearer and Lord of our lives.

10. We believe that God is not willing that any should perish, but that He gives us the freedom to choose between His forgiveness and His judgement. We believe that in sending His one and only Son into the world to die for sin that He has demonstrated His incomparable love for us. Those who gratefully receive that love, and live in obedience to Him, can be assured of eternal life and blessing. Those who are too proud or rebellious to acknowledge their sin or to accept Christ’s sacrifice, and who refuse the forgiveness which God offers them, can be assured of everlasting separation from God in a place of misery and loss.

11. We believe that God does all things well; that He is perfect and just; and that all men will be judged with perfect fairness.

12. We believe that God is tenderly interested in the lives of His children, that He is involved in their daily affairs, and that His matchless grace is sufficient to sustain believers in every heartache, trial, challenge, or loss in this life.

13. We believe that God invites His children to approach Him through the Lord Jesus Christ; that He answers prayer; and that He delights to help those who reverence and obey Him.

14. We believe that, as Christians, we are to love one another as Christ has loved us; to show compassion for the lost, the lonely, the sick, and the needy; to live in peace and harmony with others as much as we are able; to obey all proper authority; to use the time, the talents, and the resources that God has entrusted to us, not only for ourselves and our families, but for others in need; to be careful in our thoughts, words, and actions that Christ is honoured; and to express His love and extend His help to a fallen world.

15. We believe that the Lord Jesus Christ commissioned His followers to preach and teach His Word and to bring His wonderful message of forgiveness and salvation to all people everywhere.

16. We believe that Jesus will return as King of Kings and Lord of Lords; that the date of His return is unknown; and that we are to live godly lives in daily expectation of His coming.


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