Philosophy of Education

Our philosophy of education seeks to honour the One “who loved (us) and gave Himself for (us)”, our Lord Jesus Christ. As the hymn writer said, “Love so amazing, so divine, demands our soul, our life, our all.”

During His lifetime, Jesus proclaimed the truth and authority of God’s Word. On His death and glorious resurrection, He confirmed the trustworthiness of His witness. It is upon this solid Rock that our philosophy of education stands: not upon the shifting sands of secular humanism, not upon modern progressive ideologies, not upon our understanding of things either; but upon the wonderful, unchanging principles of the Word of God.

But principles are scarcely enough to touch the heart or to build a life. Behind those principles is a Person, a God who loves us, a God who wants us to diligently seek Him – not just in the sanctuary, but in the classroom, in the library, in the city, and the countryside, and in our relationships with each other.

In the school life of a child, there are many ways by which he can come to know and trust God.

  • As he studies mathematics, he can learn to appreciate God’s perfection and trustworthiness.
  • As he discovers the world of science, he can see God’s wisdom, and the beauty and order of His creation.
  • As he studies the human body, he can say with the Psalm-write, “…I am fearfully and wonderfully made.” (Psalm 139:14)
  • As he studies history, he can be impressed with the importance of godly character, and the far-reaching consequences of obeying and disobeying Biblical principles.
  • As he learns to draw or to paint or to make something, he can ponder the wonder and beauty and complexity of God’s handiwork.
  • As he learns to sing or to play an instrument, he can appreciate God’s wonderful gift of music that lifts the human spirit, that comforts, inspires, and brings joy.

A Christian education can enable a child to realize that God is at the centre of all of life, and that all truth is His truth. In studying and applying God’s principles, he will experience God’s protection and blessing.

We believe that the content of a Christian education must be in harmony with “whatsoever things are truth… honest… just… pure… lovely and of good report.” (Phil. 4:8) To this end, all texts have a Christian perspective.

In addition to a thorough academic training, we believe that children need to know right from wrong, and to have the power to stand when strong temptations come. To this end, children are presented with the truths of the Gospel and are taught to walk in loving obedience to God. Parents (as many as are Christians) and teachers are asked to surround the children with prayer, and to provide wise instruction, worthy example and loving discipline. The school’s role is to support the home in giving the children the very best all-round education possible, and to provide opportunities for them to serve those less fortunate than themselves.


It is our conviction that discipline in a Christian school should involve both training and correction. With this in mind, we endeavour to set standards which honour the Lord in every way and take into consideration the ages of the children. These standards are based on respect for God and for one another, and are clearly explained and consistently applied.

Chastening has as its objective a change for the better – not only a change in behaviour, but a real change in heart, which is a work of the Holy Spirit and permanent in nature. Corporal punishment is the responsibility of parents; suspension from class or from school is the responsibility of the principal in consultation with the staff.

Enrolment Policy

Richmond Hill Christian Academy is a place for Christian children to find instruction and encouragement in their faith; it is also a place for non-Christian children to experience the love of Jesus, and to develop good character. Parents are asked to read carefully and sign forms indicating their support of the rules and policies of the school, and their awareness of its Christian instruction and statement of faith. Children with learning disabilities or with any hint of serious behavioural problems cannot be enrolled, as the school is not presently equipped to handle these special children.


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