Importance of Christian School

1. It places the Lord Jesus Christ at the centre of a child’s education.

2. It upholds the truth and authority of the Word of God.
3. It gives students a Christian frame of reference for the issues that they will face in their personal lives and in the world.
4. It lends strong support to the teaching and values of a Christian home.
5. It is an excellent means of outreach to the non-Christian community as it provides, along with the Gospel:

  • excellent academics
  • firm and loving discipline
  • a safe and wholesome environment

6. It gives children an opportunity to know and experience the love of Christ, and to be strengthened and equipped to serve Him.
7. It teaches and models:

  • hard work, self-discipline, perseverance
  • clear thinking, careful speech, right action
  • integrity, fairness, self-respect, and respect for others
  • unselfishness, compassion, gentleness, and service
  • faith, obedience, loyalty, and purity

8. It helps to establish friendships with other individuals and families who love and serve the Lord.
9. It provides a safe, loving, well-disciplined environment for children in the church and the community.
10. It helps to ensure that our society will continue to have Christian leadership in the future – in homes, in business and the professions, in education, and in the nation at large.


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